Life Relief Foundation organises several events with specific objectives for all ages in the community.
Listed below are some of the popular events organised by LRF.

This is open to children between the ages of 7 and 16 years. There is a 2-hour lesson every Saturday where they have the opportunity to learn to play the drum, keyboard, guitar etc. Some schools in the community have a band, and learning these instruments give these children an opportunity to join these bands, learn to build up their confidence and how to work as part of a team. These are all skills that are important as they grow up.

Seminars conducted during the long vacation providing sound practical guidelines for academic excellence.

These are open to all age groups depending on the topic being handled. We handle both mental health (how to recognise it and seek help), and physical health and wellbeing (Cancers, exercising etc, nutrition)

These are workshops organised for the youth in the community. Some of the topics we cover are
How to make a CV
Interview skills
What opportunities are available after A’Levels

These seminars are generally targeted at the older members of the community and teaches them about savings, investments, how to manage debts, mortgages, life insurance, pensions etc

This is mostly targeted to senior citizens in the community. It gives them an opportunity to chat and fellowship with others while having some tea and biscuits. A few times a year, we open it up to young people as well and it serves as a platform for the senior citizens to share life experiences and words of wisdom with the young ones.

Structured approach to address special needs of married men, single men, men with child-birth challenges, boys-to-men, separated fathers, mentoring programme and health seminars.

We organise events to address special needs of women in business, health seminars, single parents, mom-to-mom club, singles ladies, single parents, managing resources and improving self-image.

We organise structured school of music: musical skills, singing and vocal training. Audio/Technical

Providing grants and scholarships to brilliant but needy students
Providing youth crime prevention and young offenders rehabilitation programs
Providing Drugs and Alcohol rehabilitation